

Knowledge Resources

Knowledge Resources

Our Important Knowledge Resources

Town Catalyst is a private consultant with a team of specialized devoted professionals who will be engaged in an integrated and holistic area development planning using state of the art and environmentally sustainable technologies. The purpose of Town Catalyst is to catalyze the process of habitat transformation from conceptual planning till completion of infrastructure development as a consultant.

The purpose of this page is to provide a bird’s eye view of the area planning and development sector to visitors having interest in this field. Links to some useful knowledge resources which are available in open domain are presented here for ready reference to interested visitors. The idea is to present some basic knowledge to the visitors on government initiatives, policy matters, prevailing laws, technical know-how, authentic guidelines and advisories, etc. In addition to the links provided below, visitors may also like to visit websites of NITI Aayog (https://www.niti.gov.in/) , Ministry of Home and Urban Affairs (https://mohua.gov.in/) and Centre for Science and Environment (https://www.cseindia.org/) for further information.

Area Planning and Development

A1. Urban Development Vol I

A2. Urban Development Vol II

A3. Reforms in Urban Planning Capacity in India Report

A4. Reforms in Urban Planning Capacity in India Annexures

A5. Handbook of Urban Statistics 2016

A6. Mass Housing and Livability: Mapping of the Ground Reality

A7. River Centric Urban Planning Guidelines.

Air Quality Management

B1. Managing Regional Air Quality

B2. Air Quality Tracker Initiative Reports 2020 – 21

B3. Breathing Space: How to Track and Report Air Pollution Under the National Clean Air Program

Solid Waste Management

C1. Waste-Wise Cities: Best practices in municipal solid waste management

C2. Promoting Behavior Change for Strengthening Waste Segregation at Source- Policy Guidelines

C3. Handbook on Sustainable Urban Plastic Waste Management

C4. Municipal Solid Waste Management

C5. Preparing City Solid Waste Action Plan Under SBM 2.0- Managing Non-biodegradable Waste

C6. Preparing City Solid Waste Action Plan Under SBM 2.0-Managing biodegradable waste

C7. Legacy Waste Management and Dumpsite Remediation to Support Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0

C8. Integration of Informal Sector in Solid Waste Management

C9. E-waste Management in India

C10. Clean it Right: Dumpsite Management in India

C11. SEGREGATE: How to make it work for solid waste management

C12. Decentralized management of segregated organic waste

Sewer and Wastewater Management

D1. White Paper on 'Urban Wastewater Scenario in India'

D2. Compendium of Best Practices in Water Management

D3. NITI - NFSSM: Fecal Sludge And Septage Management In Urban Areas - Service & Business Models

D4. Feasibility Study Report: Recycled Water Treatment Plant

D5. Urban Water Supply & Sewerage

D6. Circular Economy in Municipal Solid and Liquid Waste

D7. National Urban Sanitation Policy

D8. Compendium of Recycle and Reuse of wastewater in 54 Million Plus Cities

D9. Advisory on GIS Mapping of Water Supply and Sewerage Infrastructure

D10. Sanitary Waste Management in India: Challenges and Agenda

Stormwater Drainage

E1. Uraban Storm Water Management

Heritage Management

F1. Improving Heritage Management in India

Road Transport

G1. National Urban Transport Policy

Drinking Water Supply

H1. AMRUT 2.0- Operational Guidelines

H2. Guidelines for Planning, Design, and Implementation of 24x7 Water Supply Systems